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Provisions on Entry-Exit Ins. & Qua. Response toward Public Health Emergencies at Frontier Ports



Provisions on Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Response toward Public Health Emergencies at Frontier Ports























第一章  总则

第一条  为有效预防、及时缓解、控制和消除突发公共卫生事件的危害,保障出入境人员和国境口岸公众身体健康,维护国境口岸正常的社会秩序,依据《中华人民共和国国境卫生检疫法》及其实施细则和《突发公共卫生事件应急条例》,制定本规定。

第二条  本规定所称突发公共卫生事件(以下简称突发事件)是指突然发生,造成或可能造成出入境人员和国境口岸公众健康严重损害的重大传染病疫情、群体性不明原因疾病、重大食物中毒以及其他严重影响公众健康的事件,包括:








第三条  本规定适用于在涉及国境口岸和出入境人员、交通工具、货物、集装箱、行李、邮包等范围内,对突发事件的应急处理。

第四条  国境口岸突发事件出入境检验检疫应急处理,应当遵循预防为主、常备不懈的方针,贯彻统一领导、分级负责、反应及时、措施果断、依靠科学、加强合作的原则。

第五条  各级检验检疫机构对参加国境口岸突发事件出入境检验检疫应急处理做出贡献的人员应给予表彰和奖励。


第二章   组织管理

第六条  国家质量监督检验检疫总局(以下简称国家质检总局)及其设在各地的直属出入境检验检疫局(以下简称直属检验检疫局)和分支机构,组成国境口岸突发事件出入境检验检疫应急指挥体系。

第七条  国家质检总局统一协调、管理国境口岸突发事件出入境检验检疫应急指挥体系,并履行下列职责:








第八条  直属检验检疫局负责所辖区域内的国境口岸突发事件出入境检验检疫应急处理工作,并履行下列职责:






第九条  分支机构应当履行下列职责:





第三章  应急准备

第十条  国家质检总局按照《突发公共卫生事件应急条例》的要求,制订全国国境口岸突发事件出入境检验检疫应急预案。


第十一条  各级检验检疫机构应当定期开展突发事件出入境检验检疫应急处理相关技能的培训,组织突发事件出入境检验检疫应急演练,推广先进技术。

第十二条  各级检验检疫机构应当根据国境口岸突发事件出入境检验检疫应急预案的要求,保证应急处理人员、设施、设备、防治药品和器械等资源的配备、储备,提高应对突发事件的处理能力。

第十三条  各级检验检疫机构应当依照法律、行政法规、规章的规定,开展突发事件应急处理知识的宣传教育,增强对突发事件的防范意识和应对能力。


第四章 报告与通报

第十四条 国家质检总局建立国境口岸突发事件出入境检验检疫应急报告制度,建立重大、紧急疫情信息报告系统。



第十五条  分支机构获悉有本规定第二条规定情形之一的,应当在1小时内向直属检验检疫局报告,并同时向当地政府报告。

第十六条  国家质检总局和各级检验检疫机构应当指定专人负责信息传递工作,并将人员名单及时向所辖系统内通报。

第十七条 国境口岸有关单位和个人发现有本规定第二条规定情形之一的,应当及时、如实地向所在口岸的检验检疫机构报告,不得隐瞒、缓报、谎报或者授意他人隐瞒、缓报、谎报。

第十八条 接到报告的检验检疫机构应当依照本规定立即组织力量对报告事项调查核实、确证,采取必要的控制措施,并及时报告调查情况。

第十九条 国家质检总局应当将突发事件的进展情况,及时向国务院有关部门和直属检验检疫局通报。


第二十条 国家质检总局建立突发事件出入境检验检疫风险预警快速反应信息网络系统。



第五章 应急处理

第二十一条 突发事件发生后,发生地检验检疫机构经上一级机构批准,应当对突发事件现场采取下列紧急控制措施:






第二十二条  检验检疫机构应当组织专家对突发事件进行流行病学调查、现场监测、现场勘验,确定危害程度,初步判断突发事件的类型,提出启动国境口岸突发事件出入境检验检疫应急预案的建议。

第二十三条 国家质检总局国境口岸突发事件出入境检验检疫应急预案应当报国务院批准后实施;各级检验检疫机构的国境口岸突发事件出入境检验检疫应急预案的启动,应当报上一级机构批准后实施,同时报告当地政府。

第二十四条 国境口岸突发事件出入境检验检疫技术调查、确证、处置、控制和评价工作由直属检验检疫局应急处理专业技术机构实施。

第二十五条 根据突发事件应急处理的需要,国境口岸突发事件出入境检验检疫应急处理指挥体系有权调集出入境检验检疫人员、储备物资、交通工具以及相关设施、设备;必要时,国家质检总局可以依照《中华人民共和国国境卫生检疫法》第六条的规定,提请国务院下令封锁有关的国境或者采取其他紧急措施。

第二十六条 参加国境口岸突发事件出入境检验检疫应急处理的工作人员,应当按照预案的规定,采取卫生检疫防护措施,并在专业人员的指导下进行工作。

第二十七条  出入境交通工具上发现传染病病人、疑似传染病病人,其负责人应当以最快的方式向当地口岸检验检疫机构报告,检验检疫机构接到报告后,应当立即组织有关人员采取相应的卫生检疫处置措施。


第二十八条  检验检疫机构应当对临时留验、隔离人员进行必要的检查检验,并按规定作详细记录;对需要移送的病人,应当按照有关规定将病人及时移交给有关部门或机构进行处理。

第二十九条 在突发事件中被实施留验、就地诊验、隔离处置、卫生检疫观察的病人、疑似病人和传染病病人密切接触者,在检验检疫机构采取卫生检疫措施时,应当予以配合。


第六章 法律责任

第三十条 在国境口岸突发事件出入境检验检疫应急处理工作中,口岸有关单位和个人有下列情形之一的,依照有关法律法规的规定,予以警告或者罚款,构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任:




第三十一条 检验检疫机构未依照本规定履行报告职责,对突发事件隐瞒、缓报、谎报或者授意他人隐瞒、缓报、谎报的,对主要负责人及其他直接责任人员予以行政处分;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。

第三十二条  突发事件发生后,检验检疫机构拒不服从上级检验检疫机构统一指挥,贻误采取应急控制措施时机或者违背应急预案要求拒绝上级检验检疫机构对人员、物资的统一调配的,对单位予以通报批评;造成严重后果的,对主要负责人或直接责任人员予以行政处分,构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。

第三十三条  突发事件发生后,检验检疫机构拒不履行出入境检验检疫应急处理职责的,对上级检验检疫机构的调查不予配合或者采取其他方式阻碍、干涉调查的,由上级检验检疫机构责令改正,对主要负责人及其他直接责任人员予以行政处分;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。

第三十四条 检验检疫机构工作人员在突发事件应急处理工作中滥用职权、玩忽职守、徇私舞弊的,对主要负责人及其他直接责任人员予以行政处分;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。


第七章 附则

第三十五条  本规定由国家质检总局负责解释。

第三十六条 本规定自发布之日起施行。












In case of any discrepancies between the Chinese version and the English version, the Chinese version shall prevail.




AQSIQ Decree No. 57

The Provisions on Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Response toward Public Health Emergencies at Frontier Ports as adopted at the ministerial meeting of the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People’s Republic of China on September 28, 2003, are hereby promulgated and shall be implemented as of the date of promulgation.



November 7, 2003







Provisions on Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Response toward Public Health Emergencies at Frontier Ports


Chapter I      General Provisions


Article 1     These Provisions are formulated on the bases of the Frontier Health and Quarantine Law of the People's Republic of China and the specific rules for its implementation as well as the Regulations on Response toward Public Health Emergencies for the purposes of effectively preventing, timely relieving, controlling and eliminating the hazards resulted from public health emergencies, and of safeguarding the entry-exit personnel and people’s health at frontier ports, as well as of maintaining the normal social order at frontier ports.

Article 2     The public health emergencies as mentioned in these Provisions (hereinafter referred to as emergencies), shall refer to events that suddenly occur involving significant epidemics, population disease with unknown cause, serious food poisoning that pose or may pose serious damage to entry-exit personnel and people’s health at frontier ports, as well as other events having serious public health impact, including:

(1)      Occurrence of plague, cholera, yellow fever, pulmonary anthrax and severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS);

(2)      Comparatively larger scale outbreak, spread or resulting in deaths of Category B and Category C infectious diseases;

(3)      Occurrence of infrequent epidemics or infectious epidemics that have been eliminated with declaration of the state;

(4)      Loss of bacterial strain and virus strain of infectious diseases;

(5)      Occurrence of population diseases having similar clinical manifestations and unknown causes, which will spread or may probably spread;

(6)      Poisoned over 10 persons or poisoned to death;

(7)      Emergencies occur at home or abroad that may endanger frontier ports.

Article 3    These Provisions shall apply to response toward emergencies occurring at frontier ports, concerning entry-exit persons, means of transport, goods, containers, luggage and postal parcels etc.

Article 4     Entry-exit inspection and quarantine response toward emergencies at frontier ports shall adhere to the policies of taking prevention as top priority and getting well prepared, and shall implement the principles of unified administration, graded responsibilities, timely response, resolute measures, scientific basis and enhanced cooperation.

Article 5     The inspection and quarantine authorities at all levels shall commend and award personnel making contributions to the work of entry-exit inspection and quarantine response toward emergencies at frontier ports.


Chapter II     Organization and Administration


Article 6     The General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People’s Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as AQSIQ), the entry-exit inspection and quarantine bureaus directly under AQSIQ in various localities (hereinafter referred to as the CIQ Bureaus) and their branches constitute the entry-exit inspection and quarantine emergency command system for emergencies at frontier ports.

Article 7     AQSIQ shall carry out unified coordination and administration of the entry-exit inspection and quarantine emergency command system for emergencies at frontier ports, and undertake the following responsibilities:

(1)      To carry out research work and formulate schemes on entry-exit inspection and quarantine response toward emergencies at frontier ports;

(2)      To command and coordinate the entry-exit inspection and quarantine authorities in their work on entry-exit inspection and quarantine response toward emergencies at frontier ports, and to organize and deploy the technical force and relevant resources within the administrative system;

(3)      To examine, supervise and give guidance to inspection and quarantine authorities in their implementation of relevant emergency response, and to superintend the fulfillment of emergency response measures;

(4)      To coordinate the relationship with relevant competent departments of the state and establish a necessary coordination and contact mechanism for emergency response;

(5)      To collect, manage, analyze and submit relevant information and state of the art, to provide response recommendation and suggestion for the decision-making of the state; to transmit to inspection and quarantine authorities at all levels relevant orders of the upper level authority and make corresponding deployment;

(6)      To encourage, support and unifiedly coordinate the international exchange and cooperation activities on entry-exit inspection and quarantine surveillance, alert, response and other relevant techniques regarding emergencies at frontier ports.

AQSIQ shall set up an expert consultation group on entry-exit inspection and quarantine response toward emergencies at frontier ports to offer specialized consultation and technical instruction for emergency response, and to provide suggestions and recommendations for decision-making of emergency response.

Article 8     The CIQ Bureau shall be responsible for the work of entry-exit inspection and quarantine response toward emergencies at frontier ports within its jurisdiction, and shall undertake the following responsibilities:

(1)      To organize and implement the entry-exit inspection and quarantine response preparedness plan for emergencies at frontier ports within its jurisdiction;

(2)      To deploy the force and resources of inspection and quarantine authorities within its jurisdiction, to carry out the work of emergency response;

(3)      To timely report its emergency response work and submit working suggestions to AQSIQ;

(4)      To coordinate the contact with local people’s government and the public health administrative department, port administrative department, customs office, frontier defence inspection department and other relevant departments.

The CIQ Bureau shall set up an entry-exit inspection and quarantine professional technical agency to undertake relevant work of response toward emergencies at frontier ports.

Article 9     The branch shall undertake the following responsibilities:

(1)      To organize and establish an on-spot entry-exit inspection and quarantine emergency command division for emergency response, to timely organize on-spot treatment and disposal based on the actual situation;

(2)      To carry out on-spot emergency treatment and disposal in conjunction with the entry-exit inspection and quarantine professional technical agency for emergency response of the CIQ Bureau, and to submit at any time relevant information;

(3)      To enhance the contact and cooperation with local people’s government and the relevant departments.



Chapter III    Emergency Preparation


Article 10   AQSIQ shall formulate the national entry-exit inspection and quarantine response preparedness plan for emergencies at frontier ports based on the Regulations on Response toward Public Health Emergencies.

Inspection and quarantine authorities at all levels shall, taking into account of their actual situation at local ports, formulate respective response preparedness plans for emergencies at frontier ports based on the national entry-exit inspection and quarantine response preparedness plan, and shall submit to the respective upper level authorities and the local governments for file.

Article 11  Inspection and quarantine authorities at all levels shall carry out technical training on entry-exit inspection and quarantine emergency response at regular intervals and organize entry-exit inspection and quarantine response drills for emergencies, and popularize the advanced techniques.

Article 12  Inspection and quarantine authorities at all levels shall, in accordance with the requirements of the entry-exit inspection and quarantine response preparedness plans for emergencies at frontier ports, ensure distribution and reservation of personnel, facilities, equipment, preventive and therapeutic medicines, instruments and other resources etc. for emergency response, so as to increase their capacity of emergency response.

Article 13  Inspection and quarantine authorities at all levels shall, in accordance with stipulations of law, administrative regulations and rules, carry out popularization and education activities on the know-how of emergency response, so as to raise the preventive awareness and increase response capacity toward emergencies.



Chapter IV    Report and Notification


Article 14  AQSIQ shall establish the entry-exit inspection and quarantine response reporting mechanism for emergencies at frontier ports, and set up information reporting system for serious and emergent epidemics.

       For any of the circumstances as set forth in Article 2 of these Provisions, the CIQ Bureau shall, within one hour upon receiving the report, submit a report to AQSIQ and the local government simultaneously.

       For any emergency that may result in significant social effect, AQSIQ shall submit a timely report to the State Council.

Article 15  When any of the circumstances as set forth in Article 2 of these Provisions is acquired, the branch shall submit a report to the CIQ Bureau within one hour and to the local government simultaneously.

Article 16  AQSIQ and the inspection and quarantine authorities at all levels shall designate specific personnel to be responsible for information delivery, and the name list shall be notified timely to the internal system within their respective jurisdiction.

Article 17  When any of the circumstances as set forth in Article 2 of these Provisions is discovered by the relevant unit or individual of the frontier ports, they shall timely and truthfully report to the local inspection and quarantine authority at the port. Neither concealing, delaying and misreporting, nor inciting others to conceal, delay, and misreport is allowed.

Article 18  Upon receipt of such report, the inspection and quarantine authority shall, according to these Provisions, immediately organize available resources to conduct investigation and verification of the reported circumstance, adopting necessary control measures and make a timely report on the result of investigation.

Article 19  AQSIQ shall notify the state of the art of the emergency to the relevant departments of the State Council and the CIQ Bureaus.

Upon receipt of such notification, the CIQ Bureaus shall timely notify relevant branches within their jurisdiction.

Article 20  AQSIQ shall establish an entry-exit inspection and quarantine risk alert and rapid response information network system on emergencies.

                       Inspection and quarantine authorities at all levels shall be responsible to timely report the discovered emergency to the upper level authority via the network system, and AQSIQ shall make timely notification via the network system.


Chapter V     Emergency Response


Article 21  When an emergency occurs, the inspection and quarantine authority at the place of occurrence shall, upon approval of the upper level authority, take the following emergency control measures to the site of the emergency:

(1)   To adopt preliminary control of the site and limit the entry-exit of personnel; for serious disease and epidemic suspected zoonosis, measures shall be taken to prevent contact between patients or suspected patients with susceptible animals;

(2)   To carry out medical observation, provisional isolation and under observation to relevant personnel at the site;

(3) To adopt restrictive measures on entry-exit means of transport, goods, containers, luggage and postal parcels etc. and prohibit them from being removed and transported;

(4)   To seal and store equipment, materials and articles that may lead to occurrence or spreading of emergencies;

(5)   To apply urgent sanitary measures.

Article 22  The inspection and quarantine authority shall organize experts to conduct epidemiological investigation, on-site surveillance and on-site examination on the emergency, determine the degree of hazards, preliminarily determine the type of the emergency, and make suggestions on the launch of entry-exit inspection and quarantine response preparedness plan for emergencies at frontier ports.

Article 23  The entry-exit inspection and quarantine response preparedness plan for emergencies at frontier ports of AQSIQ shall be submitted to the State Council for approval before implementation; the launch of entry-exit inspection and quarantine response preparedness plans for emergencies at frontier ports of inspection and quarantine authorities at all levels shall be submitted to the upper level authority for approval before implementation, and be submitted to the local government simultaneously.

Article 24  The work of technical investigation, verification, disposal, control and assessment of entry-exit inspection and quarantine on emergencies at frontier ports shall be implemented by the professional technical agency for emergency response of the CIQ Bureau.

Article 25  In accordance with the needs for emergency response, the entry-exit inspection and quarantine emergency command system for emergencies at frontier ports has the right to assemble entry-exit inspection and quarantine personnel, stored materials, means of transport as well as relevant facilities and equipment; if necessary, AQSIQ may, according to Article 6 of the Frontier Health and Quarantine Law of the People's Republic of China, invite the State Council to order the close of the relevant border or adopt other urgent measures.

Article 26  Personnel participating in the work of entry-exit inspection and quarantine response toward emergencies at frontier ports should, according to stipulations of the preparedness plan, take health and quarantine preventive and protective measures and conduct their work under the instruction of professional personnel.

Article 27  In case that an infectious patient or a suspected infectious patient is discovered on the entry-exit means of transport, its responsible person shall report to the local port inspection and quarantine authority by the most expeditious means. Upon receipt of the report, the inspection and quarantine authority shall immediately organize relevant personnel to take corresponding health and quarantine disposal measures.

                       For persons having close contact with infectious patients on entry-exit means of transport, under observation and medical observation shall be applied according to law; or control measures shall be taken according to stipulations of health and quarantine laws and administrative regulations.

Article 28  To persons under provisional observation and isolation, the inspection and quarantine authority shall carry out necessary examination and inspection, and shall make detailed records according to stipulations; for patients who need to be transferred, according to relevant stipulations, they shall be transferred to relevant departments or agencies for treatment.

Article 29  Patients, suspected patients and persons having close contact with infectious patients to whom under observation, medical examination on the spot, isolation and health and quarantine observation is applied in the emergency, shall positively cooperate with the inspection and quarantine authority when the later adopts health and quarantine measures.

Chapter VI    Legal Liability

Article 30  During the work of entry-exit inspection and quarantine response toward emergencies at frontier ports, any unit or individual of the ports, which/who commits any of the following acts, shall be warned or fined according to stipulations of relevant laws and regulations. If a crime is constituted, criminal liability shall be investigated according to law.

(1)      To conceal, delay or misreport the emergency to the inspection and quarantine authority;

(2)      To refuse the inspection and quarantine authority to enter into the emergency site to carry out emergency response;

(3)      To obstruct by force or by other means the emergency response functionaries of the inspection and quarantine authority to execute their duties.

Article 31  Administrative sanction will be imposed on chief responsible person and other directly responsible persons of an inspection and quarantine authority if the authority fails to perform its reporting responsibility as set forth in these Provisions, or conceals, delays, misreports or incites others to conceal, delay or misreport the emergency; if a crime is constituted, criminal liability shall be investigated according to law.

Article 32  When an emergency occurs, if an inspection and quarantine authority refuses to obey the unified command of its upper level inspection and quarantine authority, misses the opportunity to take emergency control measures, or violates the requirements of an emergency preparedness plan and refuses to accept the unified distribution of personnel and materials by its upper level inspection and quarantine authority, a criticism by circulating a notice will be imposed on such an authority; if a serious consequence is caused, an administrative sanction will be imposed on the chief responsible person and other directly responsible persons of such an authority; if a crime is constituted, criminal liability shall be investigated according to law.

Article 33  When an emergency occurs, if an inspection and quarantine authority refuses to perform its duties in entry-exit inspection and quarantine emergency response, refuses to cooperate with the upper level entry-exit inspection and quarantine authority in its investigation, or obstructs, intervenes investigation by other means, such an authority will be ordered by the upper level inspection and quarantine authority to make corrections, and an administrative sanction will be imposed on the chief responsible person and other directly responsible persons of such an authority; if a crime is constituted, criminal liability shall be investigated according to law.

Article 34  During emergency response of emergencies, if functionaries of an inspection and quarantine authority abuse their power, neglect their duty or commit illegalities for personal interests or by fraudulent means, an administrative sanction will be imposed on chief responsible person and other directly responsible persons of such an authority; if a crime is constituted, criminal liability shall be investigated according to law.


Chapter VII   Supplementary Provisions


Article 35  These Provisions shall be interpreted by AQSIQ.

Article 36  These Provisions shall be implemented as of the date of promulgation.


Editor: Source: